Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Parochial news day

Actually this is quite important news about the venue of my upcoming marriage,

Baxter Park revamp in final phase
The final phase of a £3.5 million revamp of Dundee’s Baxter Park has been given the go ahead by the city council (writes Brian Allison, local government reporter).
A long-running restoration project, mainly funded through the Heritage Lottery, has been taking place to return the park to its original Victorian splendour.

Among the major elements of the project are refurbishment of the pavilion, a new park ranger centre on the site of the former bandstand, construction of an adventure play area and restoration of the park’s ornate gates and railings.

Terrace improvements and landscape works costing over £650,000 will complete the project. Contracts for the work have been awarded to T&N Gilmartin.

One of the contracts involves civil engineering works at the terrace and includes drainage, footpaths, resurfacing and lighting. The second contract comprises landscaping works on the railings, installation of street furniture and signage.

Leisure and communities director Stewart Murdoch said, in a report, “The resurfacing of the terrace and footpaths in a bound gravel surface is to recreate an historic appearance and complement the newly refurbished main pavilion. Lighting will be installed around the main pavilion, along the terrace and between the Park Centre and the main pavilion.”

In total, the cost of the Baxter Park restoration is in excess of £3.5 million. Heritage Lottery funding of £2.839 million has been obtained along with £275,000 from Historic Scotland. The council’s leisure and communities department has contributed more than £430,000 to the project from its capital budget.


Unknown said...

Will the work all be done by August 18 next year, or will the restoration and improvements be something you haev to work around to keep Baxter Park as your venue?

Garry G said...

It's all going to be done by early summer at the latest mate. There is absolutely no chance of the council mucking it up and works running over.

No chance, I'm not worried at all!